Sunday, April 10, 2011

April Race Down

I ran the ENDURace 5k last night and was not happy with how I did.  It seems like everytime I have pretty good race, the next one is not so good.  I am just getting really frustrated with all this.  I want to break 30 by September and at this rate that won't happen.  I'm so mad at myself over this.

I was telling Mike that I love to run.  I love being outside.  I love pushing myself.  I love the feeling that I get when I'm done with the race.  I now have a schedule that I can do once this week is over and I hope that will help.  I think if I can get out and run 3 days a week and bike or something else 3 days a week that will help so much.

I have a race that I think I'm going to do in May.  I am a virtural runner for a race in DC, but I think I'm running another race here in Kitchener the next week.  Then June gets crazy so no races then.  But July is just packed.  I'm really looking forward to running in July.

Just have to keep going forward.

Here are a few pictures from last night.

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