Saturday, March 12, 2011

Slainte St. Patrick's Day 5K

This was a good race for me.  My time was 34:14.01.  I felt pretty good for most of the race.  Before the race started it was snowing which made me a bit nervous.  I don't want to slip on some ice and hurt my ankle.  I stopped and "warmed" up by race time.  This race is fun because the last 2K are downhill and you get free beer at the end of it.  It sucked a bit for me because I was sick the first part of the week and halfway down the hill my legs started cramping up big time from still being dehydrated.  I was  NOT going to stop though. 

I had changed my running playlist and as I got to the bottom of the hill I still had 3 blocks to go.  My calves and my thighs were giant knots, but Don't Stop Believing came on.  I didn't dare walk during that song because there is something just not right about that.  LOL.  I finished and felt really good.  Some kid saw that I was in some pain and came over and offered me the rest of his water bottle.  It was really nice of him and just what I needed.

We went in the pub for a bit and enjoyed some music and a pint.  I am still cramping a bit, but I am drinking water and will get out this week for a few runs. 

Next race is April 9th!

After crossing the finish line.

Enjoying my post race beer.

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