Monday, August 12, 2013

Day 43: Long Slow Distance Run

I haven't been feeling myself lately.  I just couldn't get to sleep and stay asleep.  I was restless and just not motivated like I have been.  It honestly was struggle to just get out of bed most days.  Today I forced myself up and out the door.  Well, it really wasn't forcing as I wanted to run today.

Once again, I postponed my long run until Monday this week.  Mike is out of town, so I had to run a route that was well populated.  I promised him I wouldn't run my country route if he wasn't here just in case something happened.  I planned an out and back route that took me a little bit into Waterloo.  I know the cities run into each other, but I can say that I ran from one city to the next and back again.  It's the little things.

I knew there were a few big hills and a lot of traffic lights on this route.  Due to the lights there was a possibility that I could have a lot of stop and start which is hard at times.  The run out wasn't so bad.  I was at  the beginning of rush hour so the lights were with me for the most part.  The route isn't really that bad.   Lot's of trees and places to stop and get help if need be.  When I got to the 4.5 mile
mark, I did walk for a bit so I could eat some of my Honey Stingers and drink.  I'm trying to teach myself to run and eat/drink and I'm getting better, but still not quite there.

I wouldn't let myself walk until the halfway point.  It took me 55 minutes to get there and that's the longest I've run at one stretch.  Even when I run with River we have to stop so she can get a drink.  It wasn't so bad.  Some of the hills were tough, but I ran up them.  Once I got about 10 minutes into the run I felt really good and loose.

After I ate and drank, I started running again.  I thought it would be tough to get started again, but it wasn't bad.  I felt really good.  The run back I hit more red lights though.  That was a bit of a hard thing at the end of the run.  I felt pretty good the entire run.  I had a few pains, but it wasn't injury pain. 

I am going to get a foam roller today so I can start using that.  I think that will help a lot with my recovery.  I do stretch after most of my runs.  Today I took River for a 45 minute walk instead of stretching.  That was hard.  I just wanted to shower and stretch, but she needed her walk.

Nine miles is the furthest I've ever run.  I'm pretty proud of myself.  I am starting to feel like I can really run this half marathon.  I feel like it's doable for me.  I just have to keep reminding myself of that when I start to lose my motivation.

This week my training is all wonky since Mike is out of town, but at least I got a long run in and tomorrow I'll take River on my recovery run.  I'm so glad I got out this morning.

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