Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A New Best on the Bike!

Woo hoo for me!!!!!  Today I did 10.41 miles in 40 minutes on the recumbent stationary bike.  It felt so good!  I really didn't know how far I was had gone since I was reading my book.  I just kept going hard and at 25 minutes I realized just how hard I was pushing myself.  I had my heart rate up and I was going hard!

Tomorrow I really think I will go 45 minutes and see if I can go hard for 30 minutes at the higher resistance.  My goal for the week is to get at least 35-40 miles in between riding, walking and running.  I had planned to get the dogs out for at least a 2 mile walk today, but it is just pouring down rain and cold.  There is no way Mulder will go out with me.  He is not a cold weather rainy dog.  Anya would have no problems at all.  She loves playing in the rain.

Right now I'm just relaxing for a bit before I start gearing up to get some more work done.  I have to go to the post office, the bank and this little toy store near us.  I also have practice later on.  Mike and James are going over to his parents for dinner so I don't have to get anything ready for tonight. 

I really can't wait for it to get warm and sunny outside so I can get back to taking my morning runs.  I love running early in the morning.  It's so quiet and peaceful.  The air is always fresh and it's a wonderful way to start the day.  Hopefully very very soon!

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