Mike is out of town for work so we will be celebrating at a later date. I feel like I need to be doing something though so I'll do it for myself.
My running/exercise has taken a hit the last week. My grandma passed away and things were hectic for a few days then when I got back I just never got back on schedule. I felt out of sync. Yesterday I fixed that. I ran for 20 minutes on the treadmill and then rode for 30 minutes on the recumbent bike. It felt so good. Today I will be doing a core workout instead of doing some other work I should be doing. I am the Queen of Procrastination so tonight will be a long night. LOL.
I have a short little 3k run on Sunday. I'm excited, but a bit nervous about running in the snow. I'm glad it's just a short little run in that respect. I did enter another 5K race for August. I will be running the Chocolate Race at the end of August. I'm pretty excited and we may just make a weekend of it. We'll have to see.
Well, now I'm off to eat lunch and put off my work a bit longer.
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