Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy Tuesday!

Well, my first day of the Joy Journal went well.  Some of my goals I met and others I didn't.  Here's how I did.

Exercise: I only was able to do 13 miles of cardio today.  I normally take River for 3 walks, but I only took her for 2.  I did lift weights and I felt really good being back in the gym and working towards my goals.

Nutrition:  I got my 5 servings of fruits and veggies.  I felt better since I was back on my regular eating schedule.  The holidays really threw my system out of whack by eating junky food.

Personal: I was able to read for 40 minutes because I did the Recumbent bike yesterday.  That was really nice!  I completed several small acts of kindness throughout the day.  The two things I liked about myself yesterday was that I stayed focus.  I overslept and I could have just skipped the gym, but I made myself go and I was glad I did.  I also liked that I had a lot of energy yesterday.  That was a combination of the exercise and the food.

House: I didn't get anything done around the house excpet dinner in the crockpot.  The morning just slipped away from me.

The highlight of my day was when I got him I asked James if he liked the soup.  He's response was, "YES!  It's the best dinner I've ever had in my whole life!"  That really ended my day on a good note.

Today my goals are as follows:

Exercise: 6 miles of cardio

Nutrition: Remember to take my vitamins and get 3 servings of dairy in today.  I tend to let that slide and I need the calcium.

Personal: Read for 20 minutes
                Find one part of my body that I like
                Write Mike a love note telling him how much I appreciate and love him

House: Get that kitchen table cleaned off and start organizing the kitchen

My morning has started off okay so we'll see how the rest of the day goes!  Have a happy day!

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